Happy Love

Love is eternal, love is divine, that’s what most people in love say and I think that is absolutely true. If you are already in a romantic relationship, then you are experiencing one of the most beautiful things in the world and if you are not and you wish to, then look for your lady love and say those three words, I love you.

People say that love is blind and my guess is that, it is. When you are in love, you are not aware of what is happening around you and you do not seem to be bothered. When you are in love, everything around you seems pleasurable and happy. That’s how love overpowers couples. But love might not always bring you good luck, especially if your love has just left you. There cannot be anything that’s as bad as a broken relationship and this generally leaves the couples heart broken, until they find love again.

So, if you have just gone through a broken relationship, do not worry because your love is on its way. And for those in love, as John Keats says, “More happy love! more happy, happy love”
